Documentation for the Hubble CLI.
- start hubble and configure how it should runidentity
- generate or validate hub identitiesstatus
- status reports on sync, storage and other systems.dbreset
- clear the database.profile
- profile the storage usage of the db.console
- start an interactive repl console for debugging.
Commands must invoked with yarn by running:
# if using docker
docker compose exec hubble yarn <command>
# if not using docker
yarn <command>
Usage: yarn start [options]
Start a Hub
Hubble Options:
-n --network <network> ID of the Farcaster Network (default: 3 (devnet))
-i, --id <filepath> Path to the PeerId file.
--hub-operator-fid <fid> The FID of the hub operator. Optional.
-c, --config <filepath> Path to the config file.
--db-name <name> The name of the RocksDB instance. (default: rocks.hub._default)
--process-file-prefix <prefix> Prefix for file to which hub process number is written. (default: "")
--log-individual-messages Log individual submitMessage status. If disabled, log one line per second (default: disabled)"
Ethereum Options:
-m, --eth-mainnet-rpc-url <url> RPC URL of a Mainnet ETH Node (or comma separated list of URLs)
-l, --l2-rpc-url <url> RPC URL of a Goerli Optimism Node (or comma separated list of URLs)
--rank-rpcs Rank the RPCs by latency/stability and use the fastest one (default: disabled)
--fname-server-url <url> The URL for the FName registry server (default:
L2 Options:
--l2-id-registry-address The address of the L2 Farcaster ID Registry contract
--l2-key-registry-address <address> The address of the L2 Farcaster Key Registry contract
--l2-storage-registry-address <address> The address of the L2 Farcaster Storage Registry contract
--l2-resync-events Resync events from the L2 Farcaster contracts before starting (default: disabled)
--l2-clear-events Deletes all L2 events before starting (default: disabled)
--l2-first-block <number> The block number to begin syncing events from L2 Farcaster contracts
--l2-chunk-size <number> The number of events to fetch from L2 Farcaster contracts at a time
--l2-chain-id <number> The chain ID of the L2 Farcaster contracts are deployed to
--l2-rent-expiry-override <number> The storage rent expiry in seconds to use instead of the default 1 year (ONLY FOR TESTS)
Snapshots Options:
--enable-snapshot-to-s3 Enable daily snapshots to be uploaded to S3. (default: disabled)
--s3-snapshot-bucket <bucket> The S3 bucket to upload snapshots to
--disable-snapshot-sync Disable syncing from snapshots. (default: enabled)
--catchup-sync-with-snapshot Enable catchup sync using S3 snapshot, recommended if Hub is too far behind. (default: disabled)
--catchup-sync-snapshot-message-limit <number> Difference in message count before triggering snapshot sync. (default: 3_000_000)
--statsd-metrics-server <host> The host to send statsd metrics to, eg "". (default: disabled)
Networking Options:
-a, --allowed-peers <peerIds...> Only peer with specific peer ids. (default: all peers allowed)
-b, --bootstrap <peer-multiaddrs...> Peers to bootstrap gossip and sync from. (default: none)
-g, --gossip-port <port> Port to use for gossip (default: 2282)
-r, --rpc-port <port> Port to use for gRPC (default: 2283)
-h, --http-api-port <port> Port to use for HTTP API (default: 2281)
--http-cors-origin CORS origin for HTTP API (default: *)
--ip <ip-address> IP address to listen on (default: "")
--announce-ip <ip-address> Public IP address announced to peers (default: fetched with external service)
--announce-server-name <name> Server name announced to peers, useful if SSL/TLS enabled. (default: "none")
--admin-server-enabled Enable the admin server. (default: disabled)
--admin-server-host <host> The host the admin server should listen on. (default: '')
--http-server-disabled Set this flag to disable the HTTP server (default: enabled)
--direct-peers <peer-multiaddrs...> A list of peers for libp2p to directly peer with (default: [])
--denied-peers <peerIds...> Do not peer with specific peer ids. (default: no peers denied)
--rpc-rate-limit <number> RPC rate limit for peers specified in rpm. Set to -1 for none. (default: 20k/min)
--rpc-subscribe-per-ip-limit <number> Maximum RPC subscriptions per IP address (default: 4)
Snapshots Options:
--enable-snapshot-to-s3 Enable daily snapshots to be uploaded to S3. (default: disabled)
--s3-snapshot-bucket <bucket> The S3 bucket to upload snapshots to
--disable-snapshot-sync Disable syncing from snapshots. (default: enabled)
--statsd-metrics-server <host> The host to send statsd metrics to, eg "". (default: disabled)
Debugging Options:
--profile-sync Profile a full hub sync and exit. (default: disabled)
--rebuild-sync-trie Rebuild the sync trie before starting (default: disabled)
--resync-name-events Resync events from the Fname server before starting (default: disabled)
--chunk-size <number> The number of blocks to batch when syncing historical events from Farcaster contracts. (default: 10000)
--commit-lock-timeout <number> Rocks DB commit lock timeout in milliseconds (default: 500)
--commit-lock-max-pending <number> Rocks DB commit lock max pending jobs (default: 1000)
--rpc-auth <username:password,...> Require username-password auth for RPC submit. (default: disabled)
--disable-console-status Immediately log to STDOUT, and disable console status and progressbars. (default: disabled)
-h, --help display help for command
Usage: yarn identity [options] [command]
Create or verify a peerID
-h, --help display help for command
create [options] Create a new peerId and write it to a file.
Note: This command will always overwrite the default PeerId file.
verify [options] Verify a peerId file
help [command] display help for command
Usage: yarn dbreset [options]
Completely remove the database
--db-name <name> The name of the RocksDB instance
-c, --config <filepath> Path to a config file with options
-h, --help display help for command
Usage: yarn profile [options]
Profile the db storage for the hubs. Breaks down space used by key.
--db-name <name> The name of the RocksDB instance
-o <name> The path to write the output file to
-c, --config <filepath> Path to a config file with options
-h, --help display help for command
Usage: hub console [options]
Start a REPL console
-s, --server <url> Farcaster RPC server address:port to connect to (eg. (default: "")
--insecure Allow insecure connections to the RPC server (default: false)
-h, --help display help for command
Usage: hub snapshot-url [options]
Print latest snapshot URL and metadata from S3
-n --network <network> ID of the Farcaster Network (default: 1 (mainnet))
-h, --help display help for command